lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009

Patrón / Pattern

Every city has its intimate pattern: the streets, squares, and other openings that make building accesible and liable. In ancient cities and those of North America today the pattenrn is highly irregular. (Lynch, 1954).

In part two we present some of the 67 general design principles which we call patterns. These patterns describe, in abstract sense, the lessons which a Peruvian architect might learn from our designs, and could re-use, over and over again, in his own designs. (Alexander, 1971:84)

A city is a pattern in time (Holland, 1995:1).

The pattern represents a continuity: the deliberate application of something already done. Yet each instance of the pattern may involve a different decision, agent place, or time. over time, different interventions introduce variation as a natural by-product of freedom of execution and interpretation, within the rules governing each pattern. (Habraken, 1998:238-239)

Historia de signos mudos construidos a partir de la conducta colectiva de grupos mas pequeños, difícilmente detectados por quienes no pertenecen al grupo. (Johnson, 2003:39)

Los átomos de la estructura del medio ambiente son relaciones. Las relaciones son patterns geométricos. (...) Una lista de las relaciones que se requieren en un edificio reemplaza el programa de diseño (o brief) y las primeras etapas de croquis. (Alexander, 1980:75)

  • Alexander, Christopher (1966) The Pattern of Streets. En Journal of the American Planning Association. September, pp.273-279.
  • Carson, Daniel H. (1967) Comments on The Pattern of Streets. En Journal of the American Planning Association. November, pp.409-414
  • Alexander, Christopher y otros (1969) Houses generated by patterns. Berkeley, CA: Center for Environmental Structure. Buy.
  • Alexander, Christopher (1971) Houses generated by patterns. En Architects Year Book Volume 13: The Growth of Cities, David Lewis (editor). New York: Wiley-Interscience. pp.84-114.
  • Alexander, Christopher (1974) A Collection of Patterns which Generate Multi-Service Centres. En Architects Year Book Volume 14, David Lewis (editor). New York: Wiley-Interscience. pp. 141-180.
  • Lynch, Kevin (1954) The Form of the Cities. En Scientific American 190, no. 4, pp. 54-63. Reimpreso en City Sense and City Design: Writings and Projects of Kevin Lynch (1990) Tridib Banerjee y Michael Southworth (Eds.) . Cambridge: MIT Press. pp.47-64. Buy TOC
  • Lynch, Kevin (1961) The Pattern of the Metropolis. En Daedalus, 90, no.1, pp. 79-98. Reimpreso en City Sense and City Design: Writings and Projects of Kevin Lynch (1990, 1996) Tridib Banerjee y Michael Southworth (Eds.) . Cambridge: MIT Press. pp.35-46. Buy TOC
  • Poulton, Michael (1982) The Best Pattern of Residential Streets. En Journal of the American Planning Association. 48, 4. December, pp.466-480.
  • Turner, J. C. (1968) Housing Priorities, Settlement Patterns, and Urban Development in Modernizing Countries. En Journal of the American Planning Association. 34, 6. November, pp. 354-363.

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